
Opening hours & Directions

Subsidiaries & Partner


Opening hours Speyer

Franz-Kirrmeier-Straße 8 | 67346 Speyer

Monday - Friday: 10 - 18 o'clock
Saturday: 10 - 16 o'clock
Sunday & Holiday: Show day 10 - 16 h

Tel.: 06232 10 028 0
Fax: 06232 10 028 23
E-mail: info@ahorn-camp.de

Ahorn Camp Sales exhibition at the Speyer branch

Opening hours Mülheim

Kölner Straße 342 | 45481 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Monday - Friday: 10 - 18 o'clock
Saturday: 10 - 16 o'clock
Sunday: Show day 10 - 16 o'clock

Phone: 0208 69 405 400
Fax: 0208 69 405 405
E-mail: nrw@ahorn-camp.de

Opening hours Frankfurt

Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 24 | 63128 Dietzenbach

Monday - Friday: 10 - 17 o'clock
Saturday: 10 - 14 o'clock
Sunday & Holiday: Show day 10 - 14 h

Tel.: 06074 81 606 0
Fax: 06232 10 028 23
E-Mail: info@ahorn-camp-frankfurt.de

Ahorn Camp is also open on Sundays & public holidays.
(Except on: 25. & 26.12 and 01.01.)


Purchase advice

Monday - Friday
9.30 - 18.00 hours
Saturday / Sunday
10.00 - 16.00 hours

Phone: 06232-100 28 112
E-mail address: verkauf@ahorn-camp.de

Customer Service

Monday - Friday
9.00 - 17.00 hours

Phone: 06232-100 28 0
E-mail address: service@ahorn-camp.de

Spare parts warehouse

Monday - Friday
9.00 - 16.30

Phone: 06232-100 28 20
E-mail address: spare parts@ahorn-camp.de

Find trade partners

Contact details
Partner: BCA - Brandenburger Caravan & Automobile GmbH
Am Piperfenn 5, 14776 Brandenburg an der Havel
Contact person: Mr. Oliver Schmidt
E-mail address: info@bca-brandenburg.de

Find a service partner

Contact details
Partner: BCA - Brandenburger Caravan & Automobile GmbH
Am Piperfenn 5, 14776 Brandenburg an der Havel
Contact person: Mr. Oliver Schmidt
E-mail address: info@bca-brandenburg.de
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